Project Overview
In September 2016, GB completed the design of the Los Izotes water system and has the funding needed to complete the water system construction. GB is currently seeking a partner to support drilling efforts. This system will provide clean water to 300 beneficiaries.
Los Izotes, Honduras
The main water sources in Los Izotes are local streams, and the water is untreated. Community members usually load water jugs on their backs and heads and walk to and from the streams in order to gather enough water for the day. This is an insufficient water source due to seasonal changes in water flow. With no central water system a small selection of community members have private wells which has caused some resentment between community members. Los Izotes is an organized community with a town council but lack a properly trained water council.
Right now, construction in Los Izotes has come to a halt because of challenges with the water source. They began drilling for the well with the help of the Baptist Church missions in 2018. They drilled 300 feet deep, but the flow rate was insufficient. We are working with the community to find another partner and continue drilling further in another area of Los Izotes.
Water System Solution
There is no potential surface water (stream,s pring) source in the surrounding area of Los Izotes sufficient enough to serve the population. In order to access sufficient water, a pump must be installed in a drilled well. The community has electricity so a pump could be powered using the existing grid. Community Leaders will organize community participation and payments, the municipality installed electricity and will pay for the distribution line. Global Brigades plans to construct the water storage tank, pumping line, and distribution network to bring a consistent water supply to all 64 homes and the local churches and school.
Water Project Stages
This project has not yet been completed.